Working on Week in the Life while prepping to move, and yes, I am stating the obvious here, is a crazy making process. This is the first year I've not completed my album at the end of the documented week, and while the reason why is completely valid, I learned my lesson in how important it is for me to do and complete a project right away.
All that said, I am so, so grateful to former me for getting this done, and for capturing the moments that I did as we packed up the home we'd lived in for almost a decade in preparation for a new adventure.
Sure, there aren't very many photos overall, and yes, this completed album is beyond simple, but it's done, the stories have been told, and now I can keep them well beyond what my memory might later offer.
I was only able to get through Friday with photographs of the pages before my phone died, so I'll update with the two remaining days early next week.